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Explore / Las Vegas / Entertainment
An unprecedented spectacle, Awakening is a mythic adventure story of a hero who confronts the forces of Darkness in a quest to bring Light back to the world. The production immerses audiences in a custom- designed 360-degree theater experience with soaring aerialists, bounding acrobats, high-energy choreography, couture costumes, stunning puppetry, and comedic moments. All set amid the most technologically immersive theater ever designed. Awakening is conceived and created by some of the most renowned creative talents in the entertainment industry including legendary Producer Bernie Yuman, Producer/Director Baz Halpin, Emmy Award-winning Designer Producer Michael Curry, narrated by two-time Academy Award-winner Anthony Hopkins.
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Opening Hours
Duration: 80 MinutesSundays and Mondays at 7pmTuesday, Fridays & Saturdays at 7pm & 9:30pm
Cancellation Policy
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Normally $180.00
Normally $241.00
Normally $72.00
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